Even if you are a beginner at gardening or have a lucky green thumb, there are plenty of ways to prepare to plant your dream garden. Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure that your front yard is gleaming with all kinds of plant life and beautiful flowers that will enhance your home's curb appeal.
Know Your Region:
Not every plant will grow everywhere, so it is important to take a look at the characteristics of your garden area from the climate to how much exposure from the sun it receives. This will help you understand the limits and possibilities of your garden. Ask someone at your local garden center which plants and flowers thrive in your region.
Test the Soil:
Send a sample of your soil to your local nursery to receive a thorough reading of your soil’s pH and nutrient levels. The results will tell you how acidic or alkaline your soil is, which will affect how plants absorb nutrients. Since certain plants thrive in different pH levels, this will help you decide what to plant. Your soil should also be silky and flow through your hands, if it is thick or clay-like, you should add mulch or fresh soil to revive it.
Start with Easy Plants:
Growing vegetables is a fun intro to gardening. They don’t take as long to grow so you can see your progress quickly. Sunflowers are another great option since they grow very fast and grow tall. Ferns are also easy to grow.
Create a Plan:
To avoid your garden being crowded, research plants so you know how big they will grow so you can space them out accordingly. Plants that live for more than two years should be spaced out around 18 inches apart. It is also important to know how high the plants will grow so you aren’t blocking out windows. Taller plants should be placed in the back and shorter creeping ones should be in the front.
Set a Calendar:
Set a calendar so you have a good idea of your gardening tasks for every season. In the spring, start fertilizing plants and do so every six to eight weeks until Fall. Prune trees and plants in the fall and plant in either the fall or early spring.
Water Carefully:
You should be watering plants a consistent and ample amount. Do it on a regular basis and make sure the water is penetrating the soil. New plants will need to be watered more frequently because their roots are not fully planted. Early morning is the best time to water so the plant can easily soak in the moisture before the sun evaporates it. If you water in the evening, your plants may be prone to fungus and other diseases.
Be Patient:
I saved the hardest tip for last. Be patient as your dream garden comes to life! Make sure you are maintaining all of your new plants and keeping everything looking beautiful.
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